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Tpot Trips!

I've been hiding in this hole for too long and I need to get out before they burry me softly in this tomb.... in bloom. I could never tell my story in just one post as it continues to flourish each day as I learn more about myself, the people around me, and the systematic flow of the world that has shaped around me since I was a young blood.

I question more than I know, especially since the knowledge rating on those topics recedes from the back to the front, like the meaning a book of memories holds. There was never a point where I gave up on loving life, at least not whole heartily. My future is my focus and no matter how many crooked people and cracked steps I run to, I will run through. I want to share the sunshine that I've created and how to make your own. Happiness prevails when people look into their hearts, I spent too much time looking out of windows, doors, and cracks in this den. I will not say who I am or what I stand for, that is for you to decide and for me not to give an F. I am TPOT.

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I bet you never thought the roots you made go rotting would soak into the ground like an irrigated spring 


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